I asked a question on facebook and am extending it here.what do you think God sees when he looks at you.if many are to answer that question,they will all seek out their answer through a screen of what they HAVE done in their life probably for God,through church service,prayer,preaching,fasting and the rest or what they HAVE done for a fellow human being.but our collective text today Colossians 3:3 gives the answer,which will bring an end to any confusion you ever had towards Gods blessings for you.Ephesians 1:5 buttress the point further by explaining Gods ultimate plan for us through his son Jesus Christ.God chose you and has already PREDESTINED you into the adoption of his children through the SACRIFICE of Jesus on the cross.therefore jesus is your gate way or certificate of adoption.therefore when God sees you,he doesn't see YOU.let me simplify.a child when adopted stops bearing his /her parents name but takes up their new parents name.so when the new parents takes the child ho...
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