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Showing posts from July, 2018


Have you ever wondered-like me-that problems disappear when you become less conscious of them.this consciousness may have been over taken by bigger joy or even problems that you become unaware of the problem, that it fizzes into oblivion.Now that problem you previously termed 'life threatening' that consumed you day and night,is no where to be found.refect back on your life and ponder on instances that this has happened.A lady ran to me recently (in fact she has always been running to me,but she always looks on how big the problem is and not how big God is,so no matter the word of God I tell her, she still leaves worried).She complained her first daughter who is the bread winner and rock of the  family (both hers and the husband family),has been given quit notice by the landlord in a land where she keeps her container and sells baby item.she was screaming and rolling on the floor that the landlord said she wants to convert the land to shop,that she should bring 120k,so where ca...

Guard it

Remember that any unfavorable situation that persists in your life is a curse.the bible made us to understand in ecclesiastics' 3:1,that there is a season for every thing.that is to say that if God permits it to happen in your is that the final result will bring praise and Glory to his name (john 11:4).we are made to understand from psalm  34:19,that we may encounter problems but it is only for a season and it isn't suppose to be frequenting your cant be battling the same issues over and over again. Gods victory is permanent.that is why when you see yourself always battling one particular problem,check whether you are feeding it through fear and negative information.fear mostly creep in through negative information.that is why you need to guard your heart and filter what you hear.I cant stop saying it.we are in this world but we are not of this world.God sent us for a mission. We therefore shouldn't get lost with the crowd.Do a forensic study of what is fe...