God will never say something and not mean it. Whatsoever he has said that is what he means. God is a God of perfection and will rather never allow anything that will ridicule his being. He wouldn't say something that is compounded and cannot be understood or lead to confusion, what so ever he says, that is how it is. Period. In Revelation 5:10, Genesis 9:2, Genesis 1:28 and Psalm 8:6, God declared that he has given us dominion and we are to reign as kings and queen. Therefore our duty is just to obey. Yes. God's animalistic description of our relationship with him is that of a lion and sheep. When you see a sheep, they follow wholly wherever they are been led. Try that with a goat or other animal.it bring in its will, what it wants. You can now see that that mountain that you have spoken to and its still staring at you, unmoved, unshaken and unfazed, your duty is to become a sheep. Don't begin to "try" to help God out or hasten the miracle. Anytime you see any...