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The best life

You know some experiences in life points you to a divine direction. I learnt how best to pray through the interactions of my first son. When he is in the process of doing a thing, rewards are just like jet boosters to the result he will get. The more the jet boosters are tuned towards what he likes, the great his results will be. He makes the activity to be extra ordinary than the usual routine. If he was sweeping the house and you commend him. You are asking for you"it", you light him up and he begins to tell you areas of sweeping you wouldn't imagine he will do. "he has trapped you". Woe betide you if you fall into that trap. You are stimulated by his sayings, that you now go ahead to ask him to do. That is when he drops the "bomb" on you. Pleasantly and grinning from ear to ear, he whispers " a treat" you can give him when he accomplishes that task. Because you are elevated and excited, you easily agree. Ha!!! You are in the trap now. He goes all out and does the extraordinary, every where sparkles. You are so fully of praise and he bodly (not quietly anymore) demands for his treat. That is when you hit reality. His demand may be a trip to the mall or cinema or a new toy and these are either out of your schedule or not allowed in your financial  status. You calmly try to tell him he can't have it or it will be at a latter date. He then blurted out " But you PROMISED"? If you know you couldn't do it why promise it, YOU LIED TO ME". Then as a Nigeria mum, i try to shout him down. You win at the moment but for the rest of the day, you will definitely find out who really won. He becomes like an eagle waiting to strike. When his younger brother errs or tells a lie, and you try to admonish him, he spring up and screams " but you did the same thing, you LIED TO ME this morning". This charade goes on all through the day that you have no option than to redeem yourself by fulfilling your promise.

I learnt that. There is no double standard with God, he doesn't say one thing and does another. Yes his ways (2 Kings 20:1-6) to deliver his promises may change but HIM and his WORDS never change (Psalm 119:89). If he says he will do it, that he must surely do it (Numbers 23:19). His resources are not limited like humans, as the oceans never dry up, so are his bowels of blessings. He cannot be like like a man that is why you shouldn't bother about HOW CAN GOD DO THAT. Don't begin to reason how CAN a lump disappear, then you begin to reason how to "help" God by imagining ways it will go such as bursting, discharging and the rest. Just trust him and leave it at that. His ways are not our ways ( Isaiah 55:8-9), where your human reasoning ends is where his wisdom begins (1 Corinthians 1:25). We are spirits housed in a flesh and both are at wars, YES thoughts may come in, but it is your duty to force yourself from going on with the thoughts. Once the thought comes "how CAN this be possible", change your position, start doing another task, watch a favorite tv program or best - pick up your bible and read.

My experience with my son taught me how to prayer in line with Matthew 6:9. REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES. That is why it is not the bible you carry that will save you, but the content you know. When talking to God, is not a must that you quote the scripture verbatim to him, but at least you will know what you are talking about. Be like my son. And numbers 23:19 and Psalm 138:2 comes into play for you. But the amazing thing is that unlike me, where my son has to "grovel" to get what he wants, God has already GIVEN us all we need, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross (Deut 1:8 , 30, Eph 1:3, 12). Our duty is to believe it ( that he has released it) and take it (that it is the devil that is holding it back John 10:10 and Dan 10:12,13)

