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am different

Never ever feel inferior or unlucky.check the universe,something you appall,is what someone is dying for.never allow anyone or situation to make you contemplate hating yourself, for some one loves you and died for are unique,that's why no one looks like are lamenting because you are keeping your eyes on someone's else blessing and forgetting that your own blessing is unique to you and your are fearfully and wonderfully made.never forget that. But wait,are you his.We usually sing a song *Jehovah carry me dey go* & someone was asking where is Jehovah carrying you to.Its a privilege to be carried by God at all because you know the plan he has for you is good,his blessings add no sorrow,any destination he takes you is for your upliftment,yea even if he takes you to hell,Romans 8:28 will come into play.the question is:are you allowing Jehovah to carry you,this is through trusting him no matter the situation;2 are you available.this where our text comes in,are you having a good relationship with him,to be called his daughter that he is to carry.lets examine ourselves.father we pray for your help in this conflicting times in our sojourn here on earth,that you give us the strength and courage to do your will always in all our activities,in the mighty name of Jesus,our succour,we pray.Amen
