For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.—Matthew 16:25, NASB
Many a times,as inherent in our human nature,we seek recognition and praise for what our effort has caused.the praise fuels our inner ego to lift us into a place of fulfilment.when you help someone,there is this inert desire to scream it and feel important in every sense of the achievement.
Behold if any man be in Christ,he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians's where the lump gets are now a new creation conforming yourself to your new nature (Romans 12:1-2).and one of the basics is dying to oneself. According to Jan Johnson - To die to self is to set aside what we want in this moment and focus instead on loving God with everything we’ve got and valuing others as highly as we value ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Did you hear that,you now live only to please God no matter,the circumstances,situation or person.and it becomes a chain reaction,because when you please God,that act pleasing him is good and inadvertently edifying the human affected.that is to say you don't act based on whether the person deserves good or not but because of your new nature to please give up your *me- ness*,self-centered-ness and your ego, for God.jesus was our perfect example Philippians 2: 1-11. It goes further even down to criticism not just praises.when you are victimised for things you didn't do,don't lash out and revenge or payback as in your old nature or as the world does nor seek vindication but rather,forgive and move ahead.forgo the things of the world that lead to covetousness',latest fashion,gadgets and news.dead to self is all encompassing and I pray that the almighty God,through the Holy spirit will strengths is to truly be dead to self and alive in Christ.Amen
Many a times,as inherent in our human nature,we seek recognition and praise for what our effort has caused.the praise fuels our inner ego to lift us into a place of fulfilment.when you help someone,there is this inert desire to scream it and feel important in every sense of the achievement.
Behold if any man be in Christ,he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians's where the lump gets are now a new creation conforming yourself to your new nature (Romans 12:1-2).and one of the basics is dying to oneself. According to Jan Johnson - To die to self is to set aside what we want in this moment and focus instead on loving God with everything we’ve got and valuing others as highly as we value ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Did you hear that,you now live only to please God no matter,the circumstances,situation or person.and it becomes a chain reaction,because when you please God,that act pleasing him is good and inadvertently edifying the human affected.that is to say you don't act based on whether the person deserves good or not but because of your new nature to please give up your *me- ness*,self-centered-ness and your ego, for God.jesus was our perfect example Philippians 2: 1-11. It goes further even down to criticism not just praises.when you are victimised for things you didn't do,don't lash out and revenge or payback as in your old nature or as the world does nor seek vindication but rather,forgive and move ahead.forgo the things of the world that lead to covetousness',latest fashion,gadgets and news.dead to self is all encompassing and I pray that the almighty God,through the Holy spirit will strengths is to truly be dead to self and alive in Christ.Amen
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