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Dont just belive

Always speak what you what.when you pass through this journey,you encounter God on a personal level,which has changed you for the better.therefore you are a new being,who is now learning how he is and how he is to do.therefore romans 12:2 is a bold reminder of how you are to do that.make a conscious effort to be conform to the life of Jesus,change your language,you are a loaded transformer of wonder,that is unstoppable,so you are unique in every have gone through or going through a journey of no return,but you have conquered, by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony Revelation today even thou it looks ridiculous,speak what you want and believe it.thou it may tarry,it must surely come to pass.father we exalt you for who you are and what you have done in our life.lord we pray for your grace to help us to conform to the life you have destined for us,in the mighty name of Jesus,our counselor we pray.Amen
