Fear is a choice.The same situation that you are afraid of is what another one rode its wave to victory.fear is different from danger.danger is a present situation or circumstances.what differentiates individuals is how they act and consequently react to it.As a child of the most high,when you are confronted by danger,challenges and trails like cancer,you make that Choice to resist the spirit of fear.God has never given you that,so you must have stolen it from the devil.😁.fear clouds your judgement and makes you lose focus and becomes disoriented to take action.Today a word is coming to you.decide to resist fear.how can you do it .Philippians 4:8 gives us a guide line.pain can occupy you so much that it gives room for nothing else.but even my village has a proverb for it.that they don't tell a sick person or deaf person to run when danger comes.therefore you need to focus on something bigger than pain,which is God.God is danger to all manner of pain.be it emotional or physical.so dig into your bible,sing songs,avoid lonely or pitying situations.watch videos.just occupy your mind like as if you are nonchalant,and all this aids your faith in the physical realm.with time,you forgot and become an overcomer according to 1 john 5:4-5
We provide free counselling,financial assistance,support and prayers to all to conquer CANCER because we are living proof that cancer can be defeated again and again
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