Father in the mighty name of Jesus,we exalt you for who you are and what you had done in our lives. we bring your daughters oppressed by the spirit of infirmity before you,father your word is forever settled in heaven and you made us to understand that your word will not return to you void but accomplish that which you sent it forth.father heal our sisters according to your words in psalm 103:2,Jeremiah 30:17 and john 9:2-3,only for your name sake,that the world will not mock us and ask us where is our impossibility God.daddy your ways are not our ways but we know that no greater love has a man than the love you have for us as you told us in your word in john 15:13.father please manifest your healing physically in their body to remove all pains and growth.give them the grace to only see you in the midst of their pain.provide the resources and financial capability needed to grease the hands of the doctors and caregivers.give the doctors wisdom needed to perfect their healing .and you spirit of infirmity, we come against you,by the name that is above all names in Philippians 2:10,as we reign in Christ in heavenly places,far above your realm,we render you powerless over our sisters life and we curse you from the root,we loose your hold upon their lives and we declare that they are free from your hold.father we thank you for healing them in Jesus name.Amen
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Thanks so much.you guys are the best