A scenario: a poor man was dedicated to God and asking him for help.And God bless him,now he has an empire,jeting out from one country to another,one meeting to another.of course no one should expect him to leave his meetings and come and be fasting for 10 days,doing night vigil,praying daily for hours,talk more of having time to fellowship with brethren.oh.its better for him to send money to the church to build more space,pay the pastor to pray for him and then concentrate his time on making more money to help people.can you see, how he now has perfect reason to just spare a tiny amount of his time for God.Then imagine he is diagnosed of something,doctors have given up on him and then he runs to that God he doesn't have time for.of course God is merciful.But you can see that what the pastors,probably the wife and fellow christians have been trying to do for years,just a diagnosis did it in a seconds.That's why Romans 8:28 says it will all work together for your good.I know God has no business with evil.Even some might have questioned why he didn't crush evil from the origin.But the truth of the matter,is that,God is God and can use anything and anybody to shower his love.That's it.Ever Wondered that most times you are dedicated to God,its always because you are going through a challenge but once the battle is over,you develop 'short memory'.most of us never remember God,until the unexpected happens.I use myself to know.Always having, multiple wonderful excuse, of why I don't have time for God and his things.God is just an obligation,a past time and something am aware of.Until the hammer landed!!!.Even when I was diagnosed,I still didn't give a hoot until excruciating pain came and doctors told me there was nothing they could do about it.That was when I sort for solution anywhere.So you see that God can use anything,good has now come out of bad.in psalm 95:41,the lord lamented that 40 years have he been waiting on the Israelites to turn to him.In judges 2:17-23,gave a CLEAR reason why God allowed them to suffer,just in order that they turn back to him.so now is it ridiculous to say that you should rejoice in the challenges you are now passing through since you were headed to destruction and the challenge is there to give you a U-TURN back to God
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