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Oh.just that.i bet that's what you said when the blog topic poped up.The word doesn't invoke an ominous feeling or fear of death or the unknown like CANCER or heart problem.we are also so used to the word that we dismiss it with a way of the much misconceptions surrounding it,paramount been that most don't even know the proper definition for bring it up and we all throw our hands in the air-haba Na that one,that one no be problem now,everybody get am.
But that's where the danger lies.Stress is the predominate underlying factor and cause of most terminal illness,be it cancer,cardiac diseases and others.Stress in women causes hormonal changes that disrupt normal body function and lead to a host of complications like infertility and cancer.The worst part is that,most people don't even know when they are categorized as been in chronic stress,neither do they know how to obtain help.Then people are quick to DEFINE stress as related to the amount of work you do.Just look around you today and observe how grouchy and snappy people are to minute things.people don't know that the news they lists to everyday,the economic situation of the nation and emotions daily take a toll on their sub-consciousness and leads to the anxiety and turmoil/anger that boils to the surface through expressed behaviour.many try to manage it ERRONEOUSLY by hiding as introvert and this even leads to a deadlier form-DEPRESSION.
  Most stress people are in are self inflicted not even by the environment or circumstances but in which they are the architects of their own woes.
So,do yourself a favour a forensic study of how you are feeding your stress and clean up.
Above all Jesus can give you peace beyond all comprehension.Give him a chance today.Philippians 4:7
