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Psalm 27:14,admonishes us to trust in the goes further to say that not only are we to trust him,we are to be of good courage during the waiting period.did you hear of Good may ask what is the waiting period.when You are facing challenges and you have done anything within our manual,yet nothing is coming looks as if God has turned both a deaf and blind breakthrough is seen,the future is bleak.the lump is growing,the pain is intense,the doctors are confused,the prognosis is terrible,yet you have been laid hands on,you have fasted,you have decreed and declared,prayed and cried.yet no answer.THAT'S your waiting know why,BECAUSE God will do whatever he says,he honours his word above his name.But his ways aren't our way and he knows the best for you.the book of James tells us,this is not the time to begin to doubt God.NEVER let your five physical senses dictate your faith.YES I know is easy to trust God when things are going well,but not so when you need an immediate help.therefore today,you have seen it,NO grumping,frustration,anger and doubt during your waiting of good courage.BUT how can I do that.By asking God for grace to pull through,by re enforcing his word again in your life by reading his word over and over.ABOVE all don't ever give up trusting him,even if you have reached the end of the road and there is no head way.TRUST HIM.PROVE YOUR LOYALTY TO HIM THAT HE IS YOUR ONLY OPTION.ABRAHAM trusted God even unto killing his son and it was IMPUTED UNTO HIM FOR for thought
