What's our nature as child of God as chronicled in Ephesians 1:4-6.That we have been predestined,that is our destinies' has been rearranged even before our existence.That is to say that when we become aware of our destiny (Roman 10:17) and sign into it (Romans 10:9-10),we are refocused to our predestined purpose (2 timothy 1:7,John 1:12).And now psalms 82:6 has spelt it out boldly.YOU are a child of the most high,YOU are a god.my people say 'snakes must give birth to a long thing' and yam cannot begat cassava no matter how long it stays in the ground.That is to say that if God confounded nature to follow a particular pattern,how much more YOU that he has predestined into his adoption as his child even before YOU existed.So what is the full extent of psalm 82:6.
1.conceive it in your heart according to the word of God.
2.speak/say it boldly no matter how ridiculous it looks
3.Believe it is done no matter how daunting and unmoveable the mountain seems
4.Give thanks to God for doing it even if the mountain is still standing and mocking you.(here your trust in God comes into play-don't be tempted to place a limit on him).
1.conceive it in your heart according to the word of God.
2.speak/say it boldly no matter how ridiculous it looks
3.Believe it is done no matter how daunting and unmoveable the mountain seems
4.Give thanks to God for doing it even if the mountain is still standing and mocking you.(here your trust in God comes into play-don't be tempted to place a limit on him).
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Thanks so much.you guys are the best