Have you ever had a situation which made you to wonder if God has favorites.like the same thing you have been fasting and praying for,another,just ask and its given expressly.you just keeping on wondering what you are doing wrong.before you know it,the accuser will land and start sowing seed of doubt and condemnations upon you.you can begin to hear thoughts like;you think you will survive this;this symptoms you are having is a reoccurrence oh,rush and start treatment oh:this is the same thing that happened to so and so and they didn't make it oh.the list of thought goes on and on.A typical situation is this journey we have been through,you can begin to wonder why some failed and some didn't,I have seen people who just sat at home and prayed and where healed.i have seen instant healings and I have often wondered why i have to go through treatment.But Ecclesiastes 3:1 made us to understand that there is a season and a reason for everything.(Get all your ANSWERS from the bible.don't ever try to reason any question out).God loves you beyond all, that his thoughts every second is to make you happy by giving you the best (Jeremiah 29:11).As the heavens are higher than the earth,so is his ways higher than ours.A way may seem right to you but you cant see the end which may be bad for you and good for another (proverb 16:25).that's why we need someone who knows it all.psalm 138:8 says he will perfect ALL that concerns you.your duty is to TRUST.shalom
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