When you know something it automatically exudes confidence.its an instinct that is natural or involuntary,things you do with out even knowing it or conscious of it.if you have spent your money on a facial makeover,you won't be surprised or act bewildered when someone pays you a compliment.Nope.because you are expecting it.same applies to believers.you are a queen or king through Christ Rev 1:6.you run things,things don't run you.you dominate,you are in charge,the controller ps 8:6.it doesn't matter what position you are in,be it a gateman or general manager.you are the light there and you are sought after.its what you believe that matters not what you are told prob 23:7.let us learn to live with the consciousness of who we are in Christ Jesus.it doesn't matter what they say.it doesn't matter what the facts say.it doesn't matter what the circumstances say.you are who you are.created as a peculiar,chosen,holy and beautiful you to SHOW forth his praise.Isaiah 43:21.shalom
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