I use to wonder why people do amebo,sycophancy,cowbelling, bottom licking and the rest.The same people can't stay on one side of the fence.the next minute they see the other party,they start peddling their art.if you look well,beneath the surface.you will find out it is not of their own making.they just can't control it.WHY.because they are in bondage of fear.that is why I believe, in not condemning anyone.Christ never came to condemn (john 15:13) anyone.as his,we are to do the same.he even went further to remind us that our battle is with the devil not human being.(Ephesians 6:12).God never created anyone evil.therefore when you meet any one that act evil,you tackle the spirit behind the evil because the evil has no power over you (Colossians 2:15).That's why Christ felt love first then anger towards the Pharisees for their hard heartedness.The spirit of fear keeps you in bondage of people pleasing that you have no confidence in your self.you feel you cant get anything except you 'Shortcut' or backbite it.The person is always living in fear that's why he is willing to do all to keep abreast.But human psychology can't get them away form it.perfect love cast out all fear (1 john 4:18).And only God can give you that love when you accept him TODAY.He first loved us even while we were sinners and no love can be compared to his (1 john 4:10,Romans 5:8 and john 15:13).so let this be a wake up call to you.Do you know any amebo person,don't condemn them rather give them the message of love, that will set them free from the bondage of fear.LOVE YOU loads
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