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Showing posts from October, 2018

The title BORN AGAIN

Understanding is key to all life endeavours PROVERB 4:7 . Secret cults endure because of the place of concealment that mystifys it. The hidden knowledge lures you, in which you discover that it is a well know knowledge that is available to all out there. It is the process of concealing it that mystifys it. The place of understanding cannot be over emphasized. It limits " merry go round " syndrome. The thing that another cannot fathom, another accomplishes it flawlessly. What you don't understand you cannot benefit from. Hosea  4:6. Ignorance will keep you at bay. Born again is a familiar word yet far John 3:3-7. I have heard it a thousand times but i never knew what it fully grasps, until i encountered it.To be born again is to Make Jesus Christ YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOUR. Another one abi. PRACTICALLY it is to make Jesus the standard of your life. Before you take any action per second, you ask " What will Jesus do? ". It is a lifestyle. Basis:- when you se...

The best life

You know some experiences in life points you to a divine direction. I learnt how best to pray through the interactions of my first son. When he is in the process of doing a thing, rewards are just like jet boosters to the result he will get. The more the jet boosters are tuned towards what he likes, the great his results will be. He makes the activity to be extra ordinary than the usual routine. If he was sweeping the house and you commend him. You are asking for you"it", you light him up and he begins to tell you areas of sweeping you wouldn't imagine he will do. "he has trapped you". Woe betide you if you fall into that trap. You are stimulated by his sayings, that you now go ahead to ask him to do. That is when he drops the "bomb" on you. Pleasantly and grinning from ear to ear, he whispers " a treat" you can give him when he accomplishes that task. Because you are elevated and excited, you easily agree. Ha!!! You are in the trap now. He g...

The lion and the sheep

God will never say something and not mean it. Whatsoever he has said that is what he means. God is a God of perfection and will rather never allow anything that will ridicule  his being. He wouldn't say something that is compounded and cannot be understood or lead to confusion, what so ever he says, that is how it is. Period. In Revelation 5:10, Genesis 9:2, Genesis 1:28 and Psalm 8:6, God declared that he has given us dominion and we are to reign as kings and queen. Therefore our duty is just to obey. Yes. God's animalistic  description of our relationship with him is that of a lion and sheep. When you see a sheep, they follow wholly wherever they are been led. Try that with a goat or other bring in its will, what it wants. You can now see that that mountain that you have spoken to and its still staring at you, unmoved, unshaken and unfazed, your duty is to become a sheep. Don't begin to "try" to help God out or hasten the miracle. Anytime you see any...

A little non chalant ness

How do you change the prespective of someone who is in excruciating pain? Pain is all consuming, that it leaves room for nothing else, but draw the individual to only one purpose,which is : finding an end to it. It takes hold of the individual psychic, that he is controlled by it. At that moment, everything  becomes blurry and it wouldn't let the word of God taken root in you. My journey with God is tandem with Isaiah 48:10, sickness started this journey. And as baby Christian i was still learning the ropes of my new life. And the enemy has made it his personal vendetta, to rubbish your new life,to make it seem ineffective  and get you back faster into his life. When i was diagnosed, my first morning ritual was to check for cancer. It was subconscious  and i didn't even know when i was doing it. That was my moment focus. It doesn't matter how long you have been in church but if you aren't sincere in your walk with God, you might experience what i went through because t...

Eye opener

Science has proven that consistently doing a thing results to its enforcement in our lives.The mind adapts its as a habit.Actually consistently for 33 days then the body can't function properly without that habit.same applies in the spiritual realm.Romans 12:2 and 3 talks about us having a measure of faith when we start our walk with God but just like in the physical realm,it grows.Fuel causes growth thereby we need to pump up the fuel needed to grow our faith.Consistent fuel in a machine always guarantees consistent motion.So you may be asking what are the fuels and its sources.When making a demand for healing (its you bread right Matthew 16:22),you need to feed your faith. Faith moves God not tears. Faith is your conveyor/releaser of you need to build that faith.How by feeding on things that boost that faith.Right now you need to read healing scriptures,healing talks by men of God,healing books,testimonies of sickness breakthrough and prayer of faith James 5:15.Lis...