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Showing posts from March, 2018

All round success

I want to share today with you a basic truth that is the foundation you can rest your challenges.a leeway out of all the burdens you carry because you are trying to achieve by a particular standard.its found in Genesis 39:2. Don't ever again base the success or expected outcome of things on what you are doing or what you are going to won't be motivated and you will easily tire out.How because we have seen time after time,that the standard of the world doesn't last. Don't worry whether the treatment you undergone is not effective as another persons treatment.its demoralizing.Don't base your expected survivor success on what you have doesn't last. Base all success in your life on WHAT JESUS HAS DONE,not on what you have done.many people has done better things or same things that you did and never succeed or it was short-lived.the same qualification and 'I M' you have,someone has lesser than that and is enjoying more than you. BELIEVE tha...

Good problem

A scenario: a poor man was dedicated to God and asking him for help.And God bless him,now he has an empire,jeting out from one country to another,one meeting to another.of course no one should expect him to leave his meetings and come and be fasting for 10 days,doing night vigil,praying daily for hours,talk more of having time to fellowship with brethren.oh.its better for him to send money to the church to build more space,pay the pastor to pray for him and then concentrate his time on making more money to help people.can you see, how he now has perfect reason to just spare a tiny amount of his time for God.Then imagine he is diagnosed of something,doctors have given up on him and then he runs to that God he doesn't have time for.of course God is merciful.But you can see that what the pastors,probably the wife and fellow christians have been trying to do for years,just a diagnosis did it in a seconds.That's why Romans 8:28 says it will all work together for your good.I know God...

Another one

Came across an article on you know that it has a potent compound called has been proven by research in the lab,that it stops and inhibits the growth of tumors in was 100% effective in removing tumors.the issue here is that it hasn't been tested in its not known whether it will have the same effect on man or what route is best for its absorption in the body.the downside here is that turmeric contains only 3% of the potent!so you can imagine the dilemma you will get into when trying to use it.But in my own opinion according to Romans 14:1-6,to do OR not to do depends on you entirely and on your measure of faith based on Romans 12:3.But in overall,I believe it wouldn't hurt to throw in some turmeric in your juice or tea and you can determine the frequency and quantity,as your own earthly means of prevention or augmenting after conventional treatment because the same research that discovered turmeric also admonish that it affects ...


So I saw a picture sent to me yesterday by one of my spiritual mentor of a group of YOUNG people campaigning about hell and why you need to be proud you are going got me thinking.sunday evening,in my area SARS officers where at every nook and cranny /junction you turn I asked around,infact I didn't even need to ask,the info was everywhere.the area is notorious for yahoo yahoo boys.secondary school children been lured into the flamboyant lifestyle.i even encountered one where I went to shop and what made me cringe was the way the shop owner was treating him (thou he was the harbinger of the badies he needs).you can imagine my curiosity when a tinted latest model car drove to a shop,in the spirit of naija,I was expecting the owner to jump us and serve him,but he just ignored me as usual,I asked and he told me he is a notorious yahoo this begs the question-WHERE is this generation from.all the values that we are used to are been questioned and turne...

i deserve PITY

Have you ever helped someone and you have this nagging feeling,that you just wasted a resources that wouldn't be put to good use but rather be toyed with,even thou the recipient looked like they needed the help.Well I had that encounter today.In church I noticed a woman with kids that looked unkempt and mentally of the kids was bare footed,with wounds,dirty pampers (with oil smeared on it) and yes no pants nor trousers and to top it all bare footed.this was a baby that wasn't even up to a year.the older child was even wearing my son's school I was very disturbed for the kids.couldn't even concentrate in church any my inquisitive mind set to work.I thought if I called the mum,she may lash out at me (I was thinking mental),so I approached the child and ask him question.surprisingly he speaks good English and even confirm that he is in my son's class.What about momsi and popsi nko.he said daddy travelled.coincidentally todays sermon was...

What are YOU

What's our nature as child of God as chronicled in Ephesians 1:4-6.That we have been predestined,that is our destinies' has been rearranged even before our existence.That is to say that when we become aware of our destiny (Roman 10:17) and sign into it (Romans 10:9-10),we are refocused to our predestined purpose (2 timothy 1:7,John 1:12).And now psalms 82:6 has spelt it out boldly.YOU are a child of the most high,YOU are a people say 'snakes must give birth to a long thing' and yam cannot begat cassava no matter how long it stays in the ground.That is to say that if God confounded nature to follow a particular pattern,how much more YOU that he has predestined into his adoption as his child even before YOU existed.So what is the full extent of psalm 82:6. SIMPLE. 1.conceive it in your heart according to the word of God. 2.speak/say it boldly no matter how ridiculous it looks  3.Believe it is done no matter how daunting and unmoveable the mountain seems  4.Giv...


Psalm 27:14,admonishes us to trust in the goes further to say that not only are we to trust him,we are to be of good courage during the waiting period.did you hear of Good may ask what is the waiting period.when You are facing challenges and you have done anything within our manual,yet nothing is coming looks as if God has turned both a deaf and blind breakthrough is seen,the future is bleak.the lump is growing,the pain is intense,the doctors are confused,the prognosis is terrible,yet you have been laid hands on,you have fasted,you have decreed and declared,prayed and cried.yet no answer.THAT'S your waiting know why,BECAUSE God will do whatever he says,he honours his word above his name.But his ways aren't our way and he knows the best for you.the book of James tells us,this is not the time to begin to doubt God.NEVER let your five physical senses dictate your faith.YES I know is easy to trust God when things are going well...

john 13:15

Am repeating it because most times the wordly influence around us is so choking that we can easily get carried away with its pressure.Christ is our only example.whatsoever you do at anything,don't confirm to the world but ask yourself what will Christ do.if you are having a symptom,don't just rush off to the doctor,yes I know we have been marked by 'Doctors ', (as in any other thing that others go to medically,we are scrutinize differently and the aliment becomes suspicious for diagnosing a recurrence),but consult your maker first and the manual he gave you.If you have given your life to Christ,then you will know that you move and have your breath and being in him.Therefore your case becomes different,you become in charge.that's why you will 'jump and pass' when you go for that check up.i know with this our journey,everybody is scared of the word 'late',but that's why we are not just survivors but SURVIVORS IN CHRIST.shalom


Oh.just that.i bet that's what you said when the blog topic poped up.The word doesn't invoke an ominous feeling or fear of death or the unknown like CANCER or heart problem.we are also so used to the word that we dismiss it with a way of the much misconceptions surrounding it,paramount been that most don't even know the proper definition for bring it up and we all throw our hands in the air-haba Na that one,that one no be problem now,everybody get am. But that's where the danger lies.Stress is the predominate underlying factor and cause of most terminal illness,be it cancer,cardiac diseases and others.Stress in women causes hormonal changes that disrupt normal body function and lead to a host of complications like infertility and cancer.The worst part is that,most people don't even know when they are categorized as been in chronic stress,neither do they know how to obtain help.Then people are quick to DEFINE stress as related to the amount of work y...

The uniqueness in our differences

Sure if you are in this journey you must have heard different versions of different healing and therapies that you are overwhelmed with confusion. To eat meat or not to To forgive or not to To juice or not to AND the highest is To go conventional or herbal Here's the thing,from my own perspective,do whatsoever your mind strongly lean to,most times our conscience is what most people hear most than the holy spirit.whatsoever you have a strong conviction(not because people pushed you into it) towards,then stick to that. But don't ever discriminate someone else who is not towing the same lane with you.That I am against animal protein doesn't mean I will debase those that eat it as not helping themselves or killing themselves neither do I force my convictions on someone else's.challenges in all manner has to be dealt with the individual themselves thereby enabling them to take control/charge of whatever circumstances. so today whatever role you are playing either as a...